Government recognizes Free Zone Clusters

SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic. – The logistics clusters, medical devices and contact centers and BPOs were distinguished by the Presidency of the Dominican Republic, for their contribution in the formulation and implementation of initiatives and strategic alliances in support of the development of each one of the subsectors they represent.

The three clusters operate under the umbrella of the Dominican Association of Free Zones (ADOZONA), with the support of the National Council of Export Free Zones (CNZFE); The RD Logistics Cluster (CLRD) aims to turn logistics into an axis of economic development and a platform for new opportunities for the country’s free trade zones, industrial and academic sectors; The Council of Contact Centers and BPOs of the DR works to strengthen and promote the industry through the promotion of educational programs to expand and improve the talent and general awareness about the contributions to society and the country of this subsector of Zones Frank.

The Cluster of Medical and Pharmaceutical Devices of the DR, which is the main export product of free zones, has the mission of serving as a link and concentrating efforts to develop and execute actions that promote the development and competitiveness of the subsector of medical devices in the Dominican Republic.

The awards were given by the President of the Republic, Danilo Medina Sánchez, and those who received were Carlos Flaquer, coordinator of the CLRD; Omar Jiménez, representative of the Cluster of Medical and Pharmaceutical Devices of the DR and David Crow, coordinator of the Council of Contact Centers and BPOs of the DR, within the framework of the 50th anniversary of the free zones that was held in the National Palace.

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Santo Domingo, D.N., República Dominicana. Apartado Postal 3184

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