ADOZONA Recognizes Outgoing Cluster Coordinators

In recognition of their work over the years, Luis José Bonilla and José Manuel Torres, president and executive vice president of ADOZONA, highlighted the initiatives implemented and achievements reached by the outgoing coordinators of the Medical Devices and Pharmaceuticals Cluster.

Omar Jiménez, general coordinator, Rafael Piantini, technical coordinator of the Education Committee, and Denisse Sena, technical coordinator of the Strengthening Committee, who have been key leaders in achieving the positioning of the cluster and the medical devices industry, were recognized during the latest Core Managers meeting of this Cluster.

We appreciate their contributions and initiatives over these years and hope they can continue to contribute to the sustainable development of the sector.

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Avenida Sarasota #20, 5to. Piso, Torre Empresarial AIRD, La Julia
Santo Domingo, D.N., República Dominicana. Apartado Postal 3184

Phone: (809) 472-0251


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