Cluster Conducts Webinar on “How to become a supplier to the medical devices industry in the DR”

On April 27th, the Cluster held the 2nd edition of the webinar: “How to become a supplier in the Medical Devices Industry in the Dominican Republic.”, for individuals interested in learning about the requirements and general processes to become a strategic supplier in this subsector of free trade zones. This initiative is part of the strategic plan of the Promotion Committee, to promote the sector and its attributes at both national and international levels.

The webinar was moderated by Denisse Sena, Marketing and Business Development Manager at PIISA Industrial Park, and presented by Mr. Tulio Martí, Consulting Director at Steam Dominicana, with the participation of José Manuel Torres, Executive Vice President of ADOZONA.

Among the topics covered were the regulatory aspect surrounding the medical devices industry and the importance of safety, quality, and competitiveness as necessary components for supply chain in this industry.

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Avenida Sarasota #20, 5to. Piso, Torre Empresarial AIRD, La Julia
Santo Domingo, D.N., República Dominicana. Apartado Postal 3184

Phone: (809) 472-0251


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