Visit Loyola Research Development and Innovation Center

San Cristobal.- Representatives of the ADOZONA, Medical Devices Cluster, paid a visit to the Loyola Research, Development and Innovation Center in San Cristóbal, where they had the opportunity to take a tour of the facilities and discuss possible new projects and initiatives that could continue to develop capital. human of the sector.

Hoping that this meeting will be fruitful and new projects and initiatives can be developed that provide solutions and improvements to the Medical Devices sector in our country, in addition to strengthening inter-institutional ties and relations.

We appreciate the invitation and the attention of the rector Jose Rafael Núñez and his team.

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Avenida Sarasota #20, 5to. Piso, Torre Empresarial AIRD, La Julia
Santo Domingo, D.N., República Dominicana. Apartado Postal 3184

Phone: (809) 472-0251


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